Ocean Education & Skills

At the Kelp Forest Foundation, we are nurturing the next generation of ocean caretakers, scientists, and ocean farmers. We support coastal communities through hands-on education and skill-building. As we shift towards a regenerative economy, where nature and oceans play a central role, it’s crucial to provide knowledge and tools to those who will thrive with our marine ecosystem.

The Blue House Fellowship Programme


A partnership between Kelp Blue, Stuchtey Daughters & Sons, and other supporters, this fellowship programme provides scholarships and professional and marine skills development to graduate students in Namibia and New Zealand, with a focus on recruiting women into the field. Our local MSc and PhD students are linked with external supervisors from leading universities across the globe to foster knowledge exchange and deliver climate and social impact. 

Graduates of this programme enrich their local talent pools with new skillsets required for a future where nature and humanity coexist in better harmony. We hope these bright graduates of this programme further careers in government, business, entrepreneurship and academia. 

The Blue House Fellowship Programme applications are currently CLOSED. Our next application cycle will begin in September 2025, but you may contact us if you have any questions.

The Blue House Fellowship Programme offers a transformative 2-year MSc scholarship and internship at Kelp Blue, where fellows delve into critical research questions surrounding cultivated kelp forests. Through tailored programmes, they acquire essential skills for marine work and kelp science, from swimming and diving to lab techniques and safety protocols.

Introducing Our Fellows

Get to know our inspiring fellows below to understand the wide range of research performed by them: 

Other Ocean Education Programs

Lüderitz Blue School – Early Ocean Education

At Kelp Forest Foundation, we believe that an early strong bond between nature and humans will create ocean stewards and ambassadors for nature. We support the after-school programme organised by the Lüderitz Blue School, where children from the community at large dives into the wonders of the oceans and lands and discover the magic of science.

We believe that there should be open access to the ocean so that everyone can appreciate its marvels, such as kelp forests, and learn about the severe threats of climate change and human impact to these ecosystems. Our Ocean Literacy program starts in Namibia, where we connect Namibian children and youth to the ocean despite their existing geographic and/or financial limitations.

School Programmes

Make a Difference

Join us in supporting the Lüderitz Blue School and be a part of creating valuable after-school activities for the Luderitz community. Together, we can nurture a generation of curious minds and lifelong learners. The Lüderitz Blue School programmes requires $50,000 USD of funding per annum to continue building the next generation of ocean lovers.

Students at Work